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Relevance of Development Assistance to the Economy and Its Impact after Sri Lanka’s Elevation to Upper Middle Income Status
Determinants of personal Financial literacy
The Impact of Microfinance Services on the Growth of the Microenterprises in Sri Lanka
Looking at rural poverty and aid effectiveness through gender: a case of rural Sri Lanka
The World Bank and its affection towards economic development in Sri Lanka
The Effects of Public Welfare Policies on Rural Poverty in Sri Lanka: A Logistic Regression Analysis
The effectiveness of the communication in community development projects implemented by the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Sri Lanka
Dimensions of Rural Poverty in Sri Lanka: An attempt to identify the crucial aspects of well-being of rural poor
Issues in peace: special reference to poverty and development in contemporary world
A study on poverty and women unemployment
Public Welfare Policy, Capability and Rural Poverty: with special reference to Hambantota District in Sri Lanka
A Reviewof Inclusive Growth Policies in Sri Lanka
Poverty impacts of agricultural trade liberalisation in Sri Lanka: A review of the literature