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Division of a university or faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline

Department of
+94 112 903 551
DoA is committed to pursue excellence in research, teaching and consultancy services. The greatest strength of the department is its faculty which consists of academic and professional qualified in diverse management disciplines such as Accounting, Finance and Management fields. They are able to blend the theoretical knowledge with the practical exposure which will enhance the efficiency of teaching methodologies.

Department of
+94 112 908 779
The Department of Archaeology has extended history from 1973 as a sub department under the Department of History. In 1977, the Department of Archaeology established as a separate department. Our department offers Archaeology, Tourism and Cultural Resource Management and Anthropology for BA (General) Degree Programme. Meanwhile, we offer Archaeology, Tourism and Cultural Resource Management for BA (Special) Degree Programme.

Department of
+94 112 903 250
The Department of Chemistry was established with the inauguration of the Faculty of Science in September 1967. A new building complex built in 1996 facilitated the expansion of the Department. The courses offered by the Department expanded from B.Sc.(General) degree to B.Sc.(Special) degree in Chemistry and a two year M.Sc. Programme in Industrial and Environmental Chemistry.

Department of
Commerce & Financial Management
+94 112 903 578
The Department of Commerce and Financial Management (DCFM) as the oldest department in the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies (FCMS) of University of Kelaniya has consistently been contributing to achieve the vision and mission of the university and the faculty. The Department of Commerce & Financial Management (DCFM), formerly known as the Department of Commerce was initially set up as a sub-section under the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Arts in 1976. It is the founder of Commerce and Management education at the University of Kelaniya and pioneered to form the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies in 1995.

Department of
Disability Studies
+94 112 961 207
The Department of Disability Studies aims to become the lead centre for teaching, professional skills development and research on disability related issues in Sri Lanka.At the DDS all teaching and research programs are underpinned by a disability studies paradigm.

Department of
Drama, Cinema and Television
+94 112 903 766
This Academic unit offers academic programmes under two main subjects. The first subject, Drama & Theatre includes theoretical and practical components. Traditions, forms, trends and history of local and foreign drama are emphasized in the course. It also has a practical component. This consists of courses in acting, directing, play production through practical sessions and workshops.

Department of
+94 112 914 488
The Department of Economics is one of the oldest department in the faculty of Social Sciences, that facilitates a comprehensive learning environment for diverse ethno-religious communities. The department members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded.

Department of
+94 112 903 759
The Department of English, affectionately and informally called ‘The Kadu Faculty’ symbolises the growth and national recognition accorded to the University of Kelaniya as a whole. Like the University, the English Department was initially assigned a cameo role amidst the larger cast of superstars of the Faculty of Arts, particularly the departments teaching the classical languages of Sanskrit and Pali, and Buddhist philosophy.

Department of
English Language Teaching
+94 112 903 780
The Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) represents the practical, task oriented aspect of Teaching English as a second Language (TESL) in the University of Kelaniya. It is a part of the Faculty of Humanities, but provides English courses to all the Faculties of the University of Kelaniya. Its strength lies in its ability to liaise with students and staff from all disciplines and the department provides English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses as needed.

Department of
+94 112 903 624
The Department of Finance (Dfin) has become the most progressive and diverse Finance Department in the National University System. The Department addresses the gaps in the financial services industry offering four degree programmes in the steams of Finance, Banking, Insurance and Financial Engineering.

Department of Fine Arts
(Drama & Theatre and Image Arts)
+94 112 903 766
This Academic unit offers academic programmes under two main subjects. The first subject, Drama & Theatre includes theoretical and practical components. Traditions, forms, trends and history of local and foreign drama are emphasized in the course. It also has a practical component. This consists of courses in acting, directing, play production through practical sessions and workshops.

Department of Fine Arts
+94 112 903 772
Offering of Fine Arts as a degree program at the University of Kelaniya (then known as the Vidyalankara Campus of the Universityof Sri Lanka) commenced in 1975 under the Department of English with a batch of about 30 students. The objective of the program originally was to provide the students with an academic training in all forms of Fine Arts, though the curriculum included a small studio-component that included painting,music, and dancing. About three-years later, in 1978, the Department of Fine Art was established.

Department of
+94 112 903 920
The Department of Geography is one of the leading Departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya. Initially it was established in 1959 as the Vidyalankara University, and subsequently it was renamed as University of Kelaniya in 1978. The Department of Geography has also being a pioneering department of the University of Kelaniya. At present, the Department offers Diploma programs, Degree programs and Postgraduate Degree programs.

Department of
Hindi Studies
+94 112 987 105
Providing a scholarly knowledge of Hindi language, Hindi literature and North Indian culture and promoting related research in this field among Sri Lankans are the aims of the Department of Hindi Studies. It was established at the very beginning of this University, under the guidance of the Venerable Professor Bhadantha Anand Kausalyayan, an expert in Hindi, from India.

Department of
+ 94 112 914 491
The Department of History is one of the oldest Departments in the University of Kelaniya. Graduates produced by this Department, which was started by the renowned historian Hem Chandra Ray, are rendering great service to the nation by holding high positions in various fields such as university service, education service and administrative service.

Department of
Human Resource Management
+94 112 903 602
Being established in 1995 with the founding of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, as Department of Accountancy & Human Resource Management, we have a long and proud history of producing graduates equipped with profound insight in catering to the needs of the Sri Lankan and the global business community. With the upgrading of the Accountancy Unit into a separate Department in June 1999, the mother Department was renamed as the Department of Human Resource Management.

Department of
Information Technology
+94 717 896 238
The Diploma in Information Technology is designed by the Department of Information Technology of Faculty of Social Sciences in pursuit of enhancing the rate of employability of the Arts graduates in Sri Lanka with regard to the emerging deficiency of the professional placements due to the majority of Arts graduates being delivered from the state universities. As the key areas of the industry are automated with the advancement of Information Technology, if a graduate possesses well trained IT skills blended with a sound knowledge, it influences the production of tech savvy graduates while fitting dynamic labor markets.

Department of
Industrial Management
+94 112 914 482
The Department of Industrial Management (DIM) was formed with the objective of creating a discipline of science students who also possess management competencies. The initiative was to bridge the gap between management and information technology, integrating the two areas for the first time in the Sri Lankan University context. The department has gained acknowledgement for developing undergraduates who are able to challenge the established layouts of both academic and industry fields which itself is an establishment that challenges the conventional frontiers of knowledge.

Department of
International Studies
+94 112 903 830
The International Studies Degree Programme was first introduced in 2002. For more than one decade with an overwhelming demand for the excellence in the subject it continues to accommodate a large number of students each year since its initiation.

Department of
Library and Information Science
+94 112 903 900
In 1973, the Department of the Library & Information Science was established with the purpose of opening more job opportunities for graduates. Library & Information Centers provide an enormous service for the development of education and the information sector in the country as well as for the improvement of creative and Information Literacy skills among individual citizens.

Department of
+94 112 908 786
Department of Linguistics of the University of Kelaniya was established in 1972 under the Faculty of Humanities. At its inception, the department offered two undergraduate courses, namely, BA (General) and BA (Special); two certificate courses, namely, Sinhala and Tamil; and two postgraduate courses, namely, MA (two- year research) and PhD.

Department of
Marketing Management
+94 112 903 624
The Department of Marketing Management was initially formed as a unit under the Department of Commerce & Financial Management in 1998 and was given the full Departmental status in 2005. The Department of Marketing Management offers the Bachelor of Business Management (Special) Degree in Marketing for its undergraduates and the number of student population has been increasing over the years.

Department of
Mass Communication
+94 112 903 862
Department offers twelve (12) internal and external degree programs. These include BA (General and Special) degree programmes and external B.A (General) degree programme and the postgraduate programmes in the levels of Master of Arts (MA) (one year course work), Master of Social Sciences (Mssc) (Course work with research component two years), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Department of
+94 112 903 301
The ‘Department of Mathematics’ has been functioning almost since the inception of the University way back in 1959, teaching Mathematics to the students in the Faculty of Arts. With the establishment of the Faculty of Science in 1967 the Department of Mathematics was formally established and since then has been teaching Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics as subjects for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (General).

Department of
Modern Languages
+94 112 914 494
The University of Kelaniya maintains its unique reputation for study of languages being the only University in the island to offer courses in six languages- French, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Additionally, Italian, Arabic and Spanish are offered for the two-year certificate course (internal students only).

Department of
Pali and Buddhist Studies
+94 112 914 492
The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies is one of the oldest departments that exist in the faculty of Humanities and has an outstanding international reputation. It is a vigorous and expanding center of teaching and research and remains deeply committed to the study of Pali and Buddhist Studies.

Department of
+94 112 908 778
The Department of Philosophy offers degrees in three areas: Philosophy, Psychology, and Peace and Conflict Resolution. In present the Department of Philosophy providing degrees in Sinhala and English Medium. However, in 2003 the Department introduced the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, and in 2007 the Honours Degree in Psychology was introduced and in present providing degree in both Sinhala and English Medium.

Department of
Physics and Electronics
+94 112 914 495
The Department of Physics which came into existence with the commencement of the Faculty in October 1967 is one of the eight academic departments that belong to the Faculty of Science of the University of Kelaniya. Since then, the Department has developed the academic programmes, with revisions of the syllabi at regular intervals and improvements of the laboratory facilities.

Department of
Plant and Molecular Biology
+94 112 914 480
The Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, formerly known as the Department of Botany established in 1967, educates undergraduate students in current plant and molecular biological concepts and methodologies in the laboratory and the natural environment. In addition to the Botany discipline, a new discipline, Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology was introduced by the Department in 2003.

Department of
Political Science
+94 112 903 833
Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya was established in 2017. The Department envisages to create a vibrant learning environment based on a culture of academic, intellectual and social accomplishment wherein all involved shall contribute efficiently and effectively. The Department offered B.A., M.A and MSSc Programs in Political Science.

Department of
Sanskrit & Eastern Studies
+94 112 987 101
In Sri Lanka this the only University which has a Department of Sanskrit & Eastern Studies in the Sinhala medium. The Department of Sanskrit is situated at K20 of the Building complex of the Faculty of Humanities. There are five competent Lecturers on the permanent staff. And also there is one visiting Professor, two temporary lecturers and two visiting lecturers.

Department of
+94 112 914 493
The Department of Sinhala is one of the largest departments in the Faculty of Humanities in the University of Kelaniya. Nearly 500 students enroll for the courses conducted by this department annually. At present the Sinhala Department of the Kelaniya University is a fully fledged department with a highly qualified staff.

Teaching Unit
Software Engineering
+94 112 903 286
The Software Engineering Teaching Unit (SETU) was established in September 2017 with the objective of preparing students for successful careers in the field of Software Engineering by providing a thorough understanding of engineering methods and scientific principles. The unit conducts the Bachelor of Science Honours in Software Engineering degree which is the only degree program in software engineering offered in the state university system in Sri Lanka.

Department of
+94 112 903 802
The Department of Sociology is one of the vibrant Departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences with 30 years of landmarked historical footprints. The Department constituted in 1991. As a leading Department in the university, it manages the highest students’ enrolment under several undergraduate and postgraduate study programs.

Department of
Social Statistics
+94 112 984 037
The Department of Social Statistics is committed to create and disseminate theoretical and empirical knowledge related to statistical analysis studies through research, teaching, and various professional and policy contributions.

Department of
Sport Science and Physical Education
+94 112 903 942
As the pioneer in introducing degree courses in the field of sport and recreation to Sri Lanka, it had to face various challenges from the very beginning. Improving the quality of the lecturers and improving the quality of the syllabi were the main ones and it has already been possible to overcome these challenges successfully.

Department of
Statistics & Computer Science
+94 112 903 371
The Department of Statistics & Computer Science of the University of Kelaniya was established in July 1999 with the objective of meeting the ever-increasing Statistics and Computer Science education needs of university students in particular, and the academic and industrial community in general. At present the Department of Statistics & Computer Science offers Statistics and Computer Science as subjects for the B.Sc.(General) Degree Programme

Department of
Zoology and Environmental Management
+94 112 914 479
The Department of Zoology and Environmental Management contributes to four BSc. degree programmes, viz BSc degree programme in Biological Sciences, BSc Honours degree programme in Zoology, BSc degree programme in Environmental Conservation and Management and BSc Honours degree programme in Environmental Conservation and Management.