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Division within a university comprising a group of related subject areas

Faculty of
Commerce & Management Studies
+94 112 903 501
The Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies is one of fast developing faculties of the University of Kelaniya with unique features of becoming one of the finest faculties in the country. The origin of the Faculty could be traced back to the point where the Department of Commerce was established under the Faculty of Social Sciences in 1976. With the commitment and untiring efforts of academic staff, students and other stakeholders, we achieved the Faculty status by converting the department into the Faculty in 1995.

Faculty of
Computing and Technology
+94 11 2 912 709
The Faculty of Computing and Technology (FCT) was established on the 30th of December 2015 by the Gazette notification 1947/24 of the Government of Sri Lanka with three departments, namely, Department of Applied Computing, Department of Computer Systems Engineering and Department of Software Engineering. The new Faculty commenced its operations on 18th January 2016.In addition, the faculty will cater to unique computing needs of other faculties too. This will help to improve the computer literacy and the computer usage by undergraduates

Faculty of
Graduate Studies
+94 11 2 903 952
FGS offers a variety of programs, ranging from postgraduate diploma level to doctoral level. Currently, there are over fifty-two programs offered by the FGS in association with all faculties and affiliated institutions. Some of the courses are based only on course work, while others are based on research, and some others are a mix of course work and research. Master of Business (Accounting/Finance) programme conducts in online mode. Curriculum of all postgraduate programmes prepared in par with Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLFQ)and approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Faculty of
+94 11 2 911 913
The academic tradition and the history of the Faculty of Humanities dates back to the inception of the Vidyalankara Pirivena. The Vidyalankara Higher Educational centre was established in 1875 by the initiative of The Most Venerable Sri Dharmaloka Thero and eventually it was upgraded as the Vidyalankara University in 1959. The Most Venerable Kiriwaththuduwe Sri Pangnasara Thero was the first Vice Chancellor of the Vidyalankara University. Today, the former faculties of the Vidyalankara Pirivena, the Faculty of Languages, the Faculty of Buddhism and the Faculty of Arts come under the aegis of the Faculty of Humanities.

Faculty of
+94 11 2 961 000
The Faculty of Medicine is located in Ragama, in a spacious, campus of about 35 acres. It commenced activities in September 1991. In 2019, the 24th batch of medical students and the 7th batch of BSc (Speech & Hearing Sciences) students graduated from the Faculty. The 30th and 31st batches of students for the MBBS degree program, and the 12th batch of students for the BSc (SHS) degree program were enrolled in 2019. Postgraduate programs include the Master of Public Health (Epidemiology) program, and research degrees leading to award of PhD, MD and MPhil in medical sciences.

Faculty of
+94 11 2 903 201
The Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya is one of the five Faculties of Vidyalankara University established at its inception in 1959. Currently, the Faculty of Science consists of eight academic departments, namely the Departments of Chemistry, Industrial Management, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics & Electronics, Plant & Molecular Biology, Statistics & Computer Science, and Zoology & Environmental Management. Currently, the Faculty of Science offers three Bachelors' Degree programmes of 3-year duration and four Honours Degree programmes of 4 years duration.

Faculty of
Social Sciences
+94 11 2 903 800
Faculty of Social Sciences consists of twelve Departments, namely, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, International Studies, Library and Information Science, Mass Communication, Philosophy, Political Science, Social Statistics, Sociology, Sport Science and Physical Education. The Faculty offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degrees in eighteen subject areas. A qualified academic staff disseminates their knowledge pertaining to each subject area while the Faculty invites renowned scholars on each subject area as visiting lecturers and the students are always encouraged to engage in independent learning too.